Thursday, May 19, 2005

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate...

Well, today was Chocolate Day at McLees third grade! We watched "chocolate" movies and ate chocolate ALL day. To most of you that probably sounds like a perfect day. But I have to say, I've had my chocolate fix to last me for a loooong time! Blagh! And imagine that much chocolate in third graders with only 3 days of school left! Need I say more?

I feel like everytime I open my Bible or a book I'm reading, the message is just meant for me. Like last night when I was reading "The Purpose Driven Life". Day 20 was on restoring broken fellowship. I feel like I've been trying to do a lot of that lately, with not much success. I've tried to practice a lot of the concepts based in the book, many of which were ideas I'd already gotten from my home-group book. I have ALWAYS HATED having conflict with others anyway. It drives me crazy! I like to resolve, or at least reconcile. And as quickly as possible! But what do you do when the other person doesn't feel the same way and isn't willing to talk to you face to face? It's very frustrating. I've been praying for God to give me peace in these situations, but it hasn't been quick to come. The question to consider at the end of Day 20 was about who you need to restore a broken relationship with. I have several that I still feel are in need of resolution. I will just keep talking to God and pray that he will either give me peace with the situation or help me resolve it. This book is WONDERFUL, but I have to admit I felt a little discouraged after reading Day 20! But, I trust God to lead me in the right direction.

I have my financial peace class tonight, which has been outstanding! Man, if you're in any kind of financial trouble, or even if you're filthy rich, this is an amazing class to take! In 3 weeks I will be a proud graduate of Financial Peace University! (I wonder if I can put that on my resume???) And, I'm even on a BUDGET! Doesn't leave me much moola for clothes, but I AM getting out of debt, slowly but surely...

Yippee!!! 3:00...Miss Dial is on her way home!


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