Sunday, October 23, 2005

Control Issues

So I really felt like today's sermon was just what I needed to hear. It put a lot of what I've been going through lately into perspective. I guess I have control issues. Ok, I know I have control issues. I constantly have to remind myself that GOD is in control...not LIZ. For example, I've been really working at a certain situation lately until I'm blue in the face...trying to make it work out the way I want, even though it clearly isn't what HE wants. I've been praying about the situation, but not really following His will, because it wasn't working out MY way. Why do I do this when I know that God's will is what is the very best for me? I suppose that is just human nature. However, since I have put that situation in His hands, I'm feeling a lot more at peace.

Our Lord is so powerful and great. He says in Jeremiah 32:27-"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" It is such an awesome feeling to know that He hears our prayers no matter what, and that none of our problems are too great for him... He can handle anything we bring to him.

Speaking of prayers, THANKS to all of you who prayed for Oliver's safe return. We found him Thursday night after the Katrina benefit concert (which was awesome by the way!). Can you believe it? I think he had actually GAINED weight after being out 3 days!!!!! Well, he seems to be happy to be back home, and I am surely relieved!


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