Friday, January 13, 2006

Best Gum

I have a new favorite gum-Orbit. I love every flavor! I was only chewing the bubble mint, which is bubble gum flavor with a hint of mint, but I've discovered I love every flavor! They are all unique and tasty in a strange minty way. I'm chewing citrus mint right now...who would've ever thought to mix mint with bubble gum or citrus flavor??? Pure genius...
I'm off to Charleston this weekend...staying on my uncle's boat (aka yacht-lol)!
Knee surgery scheduled for Jan. 24...apparently I have a "plica" problem. Don't ask me what plica is , I had to look it up too!
Is it 2:45 yet????

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It's About Time!

I just had to quickly express my joy that LOST will be returning tonight for a TWO HOUR EPISODE!!! I know my brother is sharing in my excitement.
I am off to the doctor for the results of my MRI. Wish me luck that my knee can be fixed and I will be back running soon! God has been teaching me so much lately. More on that later! :-)