Sunday, September 25, 2005

Feeling Lucky

Wow! How awesome was Perry's sermon today?!?! It made me remember just how lucky we are that we have the gift of salvation. I am so imperfect and yet God sought me out because he wanted me in His kingdom. Sometimes I feel so unworthy as I struggle with sin , which is a lot because I AM human. I am so thankful that I have God's grace and eternal forgiveness. Thanks Perry for hitting home once again!
So I went to Asheville this weekend. My wonderful cousin Cille got married! The ceremony was perfect...the church sat on a little mountain side and the weather was perfect, and they are of course SO IN LOVE!!! Of course I cried. Why do weddings always do that to me??? I've never been to a reception as beautiful as this one. It was at the Crest Center in Asheville. The center sits atop the Blue Ridge Mountains, and we had a view of the most beautiful sunset over the mountains. We had lots of fun...good food, brother Lee should have pics posted soon I hope.
Speaking of my brother Lee, he hosted a LOST party at his house last weekend. For those of you who don't watch the show...YOU SHOULD! Best show ever in my opinion. The party was great...he set up TV's outside which was really neat. For pics... The season premiere was outstanding...a few questions answered, but left with even more! Can I make it until this Wednesday???? The suspense is killing me...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Back to school...and feeling frustrated!

Hi all..sorry I've been so slack with my blog lately. Back to school time is always so hectic! I do have a wonderful class this year...blessed 2 years in a row! I'm loving teaching so much more this year...all because I have God in my life. What a difference that makes in EVERYTHING!
So I've been really frustrated lately. Dealing with distractions is not fun. I've had a lot going on in my life lately that has really had me worried and therefore distracted away from God. I feel like no matter how much I pray and speak to God, I'm just not hearing Him. I want to have peace and find answers, and those both seem so hard to find right now! Luckily I work with a wonderful wise lady by the name of Rhonda Arnold. (What would I do without her sometimes?!?!) She suggested that I fast, which I am. (YES I am still eating! A LOT as usual) So, I tried it for 4 days (giving up one of my distractions, and not an easy one I tell you!). It allowed me some peace and more quiet time with God, however still no clear answers, so I'm still at it till Monday. Wish me luck!
I am training for a half marathon right now so wish me luck on that too! I ran in a 10 K last weekend and came in 3rd for my division, so I was pretty pumped!
Well that's all for now..I'm about to go hang out with the cutest and sweetest guy in the entire nephew Hunter :-) By the way, does anyone know how that weird comment got on my last blog and how to avoid those????