Monday, May 30, 2005


Well, I had a balloon-filled weekend! I love Freedom Weekend Aloft. The balloons are sooo pretty. That's on my to-do list before I kick the bucket...ride in a hot air balloon. A very scary thought for someone very afraid of heights! On Friday, I went to a cookout with some Clemson friends...very fun and good food! On Saturday, I went to the Gavin deGraw concert with Lindsay O. , Lindsay T., and lots of others. It was so much fun! I was surprised-I really enjoyed Gavin. The others weren't so hot, but he was really awesome. Very talented. Sunday, church and MORE Freedom Weekend Aloft! Fun weekend!!!! Got company coming...gotta run!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Last Day!

Today was the LAST day of school! Whoopeeeeee! We had fun...gave out awards, ate great food, etc. I did win the award for working out the Well, I tied with Shelly. I was pumped! I got a $50 gift certificate to a spa, and a month free at Palmetto Fitness. Just in time for bathing suit season! Yesterday, we performed "Purple People Eater". It was great-so much fun. I was lauging at Joey, our purple people eater, so hard I could barely remember the moves/words. Good times. Looking forward to summer...
I FINALLY saw Star Wars this past Saturday. It was AWESOME! It definitely exceeded my expectations. I'm ready to go see it again already. It was so sad though...why did Anakin have to go to the dark side??? And he was so cute...until the gross part when he became Darth Vader. Oh well, GREAT movie. Go see it.
I'm loving my new book, "The Five Love Languages for Singles". It's so interesting and makes so much sense. I wonder what my love language is...haven't gotten that far yet. I'm guessing physical touch or affirmative words. Love those hugs and compliments! But I think this book will really help me to grow in my relationships in all aspects of my life.
My quiet times with God have been great lately. I feel like he's always right there beside me, listening and caring. We have such a wonderful Lord who is always there for us, when no one else is. The message at church this past Sunday was awesome. I'm guilty of trying to find my satisfaction in other aspects of my life, when I need to focus it all on God. I pray that He will continue to work with me and mold me into the person he wants me to be. I know He's got a great plan for my life!
Oooh, pizza just arrived! I'm off to eat!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate...

Well, today was Chocolate Day at McLees third grade! We watched "chocolate" movies and ate chocolate ALL day. To most of you that probably sounds like a perfect day. But I have to say, I've had my chocolate fix to last me for a loooong time! Blagh! And imagine that much chocolate in third graders with only 3 days of school left! Need I say more?

I feel like everytime I open my Bible or a book I'm reading, the message is just meant for me. Like last night when I was reading "The Purpose Driven Life". Day 20 was on restoring broken fellowship. I feel like I've been trying to do a lot of that lately, with not much success. I've tried to practice a lot of the concepts based in the book, many of which were ideas I'd already gotten from my home-group book. I have ALWAYS HATED having conflict with others anyway. It drives me crazy! I like to resolve, or at least reconcile. And as quickly as possible! But what do you do when the other person doesn't feel the same way and isn't willing to talk to you face to face? It's very frustrating. I've been praying for God to give me peace in these situations, but it hasn't been quick to come. The question to consider at the end of Day 20 was about who you need to restore a broken relationship with. I have several that I still feel are in need of resolution. I will just keep talking to God and pray that he will either give me peace with the situation or help me resolve it. This book is WONDERFUL, but I have to admit I felt a little discouraged after reading Day 20! But, I trust God to lead me in the right direction.

I have my financial peace class tonight, which has been outstanding! Man, if you're in any kind of financial trouble, or even if you're filthy rich, this is an amazing class to take! In 3 weeks I will be a proud graduate of Financial Peace University! (I wonder if I can put that on my resume???) And, I'm even on a BUDGET! Doesn't leave me much moola for clothes, but I AM getting out of debt, slowly but surely...

Yippee!!! 3:00...Miss Dial is on her way home!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Purple People?

Wow. I just finished practicing for the talent show on Tuesday. It is supposed to be for the kids, and any teachers who want to participate. Well of course we third grade teachers decided to get involved! Our team tends to be the crazy go-getters. We will be performing "Purple People Eater", and I am one of the backup singers/dancers. It's going to be hilarious and lots of fun! God has blessed me with such a wonderul team of teachers to work with. They are supportive, encouraging, and soooo much fun!We're like a family. I thank God everyday that I love my job so much!

I had home group last night...another area in which I feel graciously blessed. We signed our covenant and decided on a new curriculum to begin. We will be reading "The Five Love Languages of Singles". I'm really looking forward to it. I love the girls in my group. It's awesome to get together and have fellowship/worship with a group of girls who share the same beliefs as I do. It's exciting to know that God led us all to be in this particular group, and I can't wait to see what I learn from each of the girls. I think we're going to Greenville this weekend to see Lee McD at Carpentar's Cellar. OOOOHHHH, and Lemongrass first....ahh how I love Thai food! Man, I'm so glad I got over my nerves and went to group link. I know it's hard to believe, but I'm actually pretty shy around a big crowd of people I don't know! (Amazing for those of you who know how much I love to talk.) But God gave me the strength and I'm so thankful. The support and encouragement I've received from my home group is outstanding. I don't know what I'd do without them!

Man, I also have a SUPER family!!! (Man, I sure do say "Man" a lot...where did I get that from?) As most of you know, I'm carless right now which is NO FUN. But Lee and Jill, my brother and sister-in-law, have pretty much let me take over their truck. I'm so grateful! God blessed me with the best family in the world. They are so giving and selfless. And great Christian role models. And man, I'm loving the truck. Trucks are a great self-esteem boost for those of us who are vertically challenged. I'm beginning to feel like it's mine. I'm driving it, putting gas in it, wrecking it, paying for that....Yeah i backed into a car at church. And not just any car...a Corvette! Thankfully, God has changed me so much that I didn't even stress about it though! And I'd have had a nervous breakdown this time last year! Lee and Jill are just awesome. As much as I've put them through...they've always been there for me. I think they're finally proud of me. ;-) Check out Lee's site and you can find out about Kitty, the frog I got my nephew Hunter (who is, by the way, the love of my life! Hunter, not Kitty).

I'm reading "The Purpose Driven Life" right now. It's so great, and I've learned a lot from it already. I've been praying that God will show me my purpose for life. I feel like I'm not complete somehow, like there's more I want or need to be doing for Him. I'm just not sure what exactly. I know God will guide me in the direction I need to go. Everyday of my life is so exciting now since I've began my walk with Christ. I grow more in love with Him everyday. And I can't wait to learn more and watch what He does with my life. My life has a whole new meaning now, and I owe it all to God! Gotta run...planning period over!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Hi all! I decided to try out this blog thing. Apparently it's the cool thing to do according to friends. I gave my blog the title Happy Days because that is how I finally feel! As most of you know, I've gone through quite a change in the past few months. After a few, we'll call them "mishaps", I've finally realized what I really need to be happy with my life. God. It's amazing how awesome my life has been since I started putting Him first! He's blessed life in so many ways. It's true how some people have to hit rock bottom before they see the light...worked for me! Of course I still have my ups and downs and disappointments, but that is life. They're all to make me a stronger person...the person God wants me to be. I just feel like a new person! And I am...I was baptized on Sunday. Very exciting! For some great "wet rat" pics of me go to my church's site: .The church, by the way, is awesome! Come're guaranteed to love it.
School's almost out. Today was the LAST day of PACT testing!!!! Such a relief. I have to say, I'm going to actually miss my class this year. However, I'm still counting down...5 days!!!!! And then, I can get a REAL TAN!