Friday, October 27, 2006

Longest Week.

EVER. It has been a really long week. I think it's because my weekend was so awesome. On Friday, I went to the demolition derby at the Anderson fair with Paul, Taylor, Angela, and Richard. It was quite an experience and sooo much fun! Anyone up for a home group demolition derby next year? Saturday night, I celebrated with my wonderful and super-hot boyfriend. Our 6 month anniversary was on Sunday. Paul cooked me dinner and we had some awesome q.t. I'm such a lucky girl!!!
On Tuesday night, the sewage in our rental house backed up since we apparently have a tree root growing through our sewage line. Never fun. Never.
Made some family reconnections this week, and that is always fun. Interesting anyway.
This weekend is looking good, if it ever gets here. Costume par-tay on Sat night. And lots of running.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Long time, no blog...

Yeah, life has been BUSY! Had a great weekend. Friday I had a wonderful time (as always) bumming out with my awesome boyfriend. Tried to catch up on some LOST. Saturday, went to a Braves game with Paul, Lindsay, and Jamie. Fun times! Ran 8 miles on Sunday morning. Felt like a 90 year old woman when I was done. Church was awesome! As always. 413 people baptized! Wow! God is truly working miracles up in that place! Dinner last night for my mom's birthday. Today, a field trip to the Clemson Botanical Gardens and Geology Museum with a bunch of 3rd graders. Result: I'm exhasted and feeling quite yucky. Tomorrow: First Wednesday service at New Spring! LOST party at my brother's afterwards. Don't miss it. Good times sure to be had by all. I'll try to post again before another month flies by... :)