Thursday, June 29, 2006

One more try...

for the marathon. Half marathon actually. We'll see if it happens this year! I was training for it last year when my knee started bothering me, eventually leading to surgery. I did buy some new shoes for the training. So wish me luck and pray that my knee will hold up!
Anyone have fun plans for the 4th???

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Good Times

Got to go to the Dave Matthews concert on Tuesday night in Charlotte with Paul, Kenyon, Andi, Judith, Karla, Brent, and even Whitley got to come! The concert was awesome...I've never been to a DMB concert, so I was obviously impressed. I believe it also helps that I was with such a fun group of people. And we rocked out to Kanye West as we were leaving. That always helps. I love my friends! Thanks Kenyon for the tickets! Thanks Paul for driving yo' Suburban. Thanks Brent and Paul for the Liz sandwich. Good times for sure. Except that you apparently cannot find a public restroom in Charlotte after 12 a.m. ...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I miss the beach...

Returned from a WONDERFUL trip to the beach on Sunday. After a battle with the stomach flu on Tuesday, I went to the beach on Wednesday with Paul and his family. Luckily, I did recover in time. Whew! I had such a great and relaxing time. I knew I would, but it was even better than I expected. However, it turns out I'm not as good at putt putt as bowling, but oh well. It was lots of fun. I miss the beach! Didn't want to come home, but we did come home to a great message at church! Just what I needed, seeing as I've been having the "spiritual blues" lately. And God has really been rocking my world the last few days. I'm reading an awesome book, Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur. I highly recommend it. Oh, and I have my first tomato on my tomato plants. These may be the first plants to ever survive under my care! Wish me luck (or better yet, wish them luck)!

Monday, June 05, 2006

I've gotta get out of this "I don't want to blog" mood...

I went to Aaron and Meredith's wedding this weekend with Paul. It was soooo beautiful. I hope my future husband will say to me the kind of things Aaron said to Meredith. I was moved to tears. It was so awesome to see that Christ is truly the center of their relationship. That's what makes it work!
I also got to babysit Rawley some this weekend while Andrea was out of town...ok dogsit. We really bonded. He's an awesome dog. ;)
I leave for the beach on Wednesday. Yay! Will it ever get here???
My posts keep getting shorter and shorter....I'm so blog moody...